OSGeo UserID Creation

Welcome to the Open Source Geospatial Foundation, thank you for signing up for an OSGeo UserID. Your OSGeo UserID provides access to OSGeo services with a single userid and password. Due to a recent increase in registration of fake users as spam agents, we ask new users to request and obtain a "mantra" (a short statement) from the OSGeo system administrators in order to continue.

Use of OSGeo services are subject to our code of conduct.

How to request mantra phrase?

If you are creating an OSGeo UserID in person at an event

Please visit the OSGeo booth or find an OSGeo representative for assistance.

If you are creating an OSGeo UserID online

You can obtain the mantra phrase by emailing mantra-request@osgeo.org. This email address is answered by volunteers who wish to verify you are an responsible person. Please, be patient!

The form below helps you creating an email that is easy to process by our volunteers. First add an affiliation link and then below select the template that suits you better with further details.

Email helper

1 Link indicating you are the person associated with the e-mail address.

To help the volunteer the linked page should have the email address from which you're writing to us.

For example:

  • Public profile at university, company, or social media site (Mastodon, LinkedIn, Facebook,...)
  • Developers may wish to use a website like GitLab, GitHub, BitBucket, SourceForge.
  • If you have posted to an OSGeo email list, a link to your public post at lists.osgeo.org will work.

2 Select a template:
Select one of the following options fo your mail

Note that downloading QGIS plugins does not require an OSGeo UserID.

3. Click mantra-request@osgeo.org to open your email program with the following message:

Subject: OSGeo UserID Mantra Request: Join OSGeo

Affiliation link:

I would like to request an OSGeo UserID to join the Open Source Geospatial Foundation.